About Us
We represent a culture of fishing and outdoor enthusiasts who celebrate life both on the boat and off. Our apparel can make a smooth transition from outdoor activity to unwinding on a bar stool without skipping a beat.
We began DEEP because these were products we wanted for ourselves. We wanted a line of clothing that would suit our lifestyle, but we quickly discovered that many people shared our desire.
Our Journey So Far
2010 - We’re Born
Product of the Ocean State! R and D in tournament/commercial tuna fishing, but specialized in Boat To Bar: Comfortable clothing for the elements but also fitting for dinner and drinks after.
2010 to 2016 - Trial By Fire
This is us trying figuring out how to sell apparel. Focus on good customer service and remember what a good captain once said, "Nobody wants to look like a Mahi Mahi...".
2017 - Living Proof
#LiveYourObsession If our clothing stood up to the rigors of a three day canyon trip, wasn’t it good enough for any of the other hobbies we tackle in the North East?
2018 to 2019 - Renaissance Men
Multiple jobs, very little sleep, minor health issues. Still figuring this thing out.
2020 - 1/4 Breakthrough!
A full company push to eco conscious products, banning of single use plastic bags and an epic collaboration with Kenny Chesney's No Shoes Reefs foundation!
2020 - 1/2 The Problem
Did we fit the mold of an environmental advocate? We drive pick-up trucks, turn a good country tune, love our veterans, and spend days on end in tree stands and staring out the back of the cockpit. Could we be this AND that?
2020 - Our Solution
Through our perspective we're bucking the stigma that caring for the environment is just for the “eco-warrior”. You can be a bad ass outdoorsman/woman and still care about this. Just wearing your recycled sun tee and eating sustainable food are easy and great starts.
2021 and Beyond - DEEP Legacy
Live your obsession, have fun, but give a shit and leave it better than you found it.